Technology Solutions Process and Portfolio Management Office
The Switzerland of Technology Solutions
Accordion Title Heading link
Our Vision is to be a trusted resource for the campus
Our Mission
The mission of PPMO is to align the efforts of Technology Solutions to the business needs of UIC and maximize the value the organization provides to the campus. The mission is achieved through a common set of tools and practices used across Technology Solutions to bridge functional groups and maximize productivity.
Operational Structure
Strategies Heading link

Improve decision making across Technology Solutions to make better decisions in a timely manner

Improve organizational effectiveness by changing the silo view of specific projects owned by each team in Technology Solutions to a view that projects are managed across Technology Solutions and owned by contributors across those functional groups

Ensure business need and customer value is documented in each project and service of the portfolio. Let the business need drive the beginning of a project as opposed to the technology

Help the organization define strategy (how does the effort meet business need) before design

Work with Technology Solutions to bring a common understanding of industry frameworks to improve operations and project performance through the use of standards